this will be a fun project to put together

Never waking up rather than walking the streets after a beautiful drug binge seems more appealing to you now than ever. No friends no job no family only 5$ to keep you alive from here until who know when. Life never seemed so better.
Man o man catching a break is no where in sight ecspecially since regressing is the only path thats is near. The mornings are night the night is day. When did things ever be this great.
only good times from here on out thats the promise you say out loud for no one to hear some time long ago. Thats not your fault no one wants to hear, but thats not your fault. What a beautiful life the drugs whispered in his ear, this is the best things are ever going to get.. so why stop? you feel so alive so free so liberated. You are mine you are my slave i feed on your addiction its the only way im consistent. This is as good as life gets though. No friends no job no family only 5$. Thats ok cuz youve got the drugs. And this is as good as life gets. They were there when you hated your family for caring. They were there when you were at your lowest..your highest! They were there when you felt like you had no one even though you had everyone. They showed you who mattered they showed you what was important in life. No friends no job no family only 5$. What a beautiful life


Lie lie lie thats all this little girl does. Not a care in the world but to lie lie lie.

Bring your axes and pitchforks gentlemen the rebels are arising.
Stop the madness of change and different
No thought process is necessary just your money will be ok
Buy into the propaganda which the gov. claims doesnt happen
Bring the neuces and well hang them by their ears
so they may not die a painless death
A zombie is preffered no one wants a smart mouth
silence them with your verbal abuse yea that will gett em
so high and mighty on your pettistool
Go along with the pressure of being perfect its the only way we know how
pleasure is looked down upon in our books
hard work is avoided at all cost fastfasterfastttterr thats all we can think about
all lives revolve around empty promises and trying to meet the status quota
I hate that roman.. status quo
fingerprintsfingerprints are everywhere the "man" is watching you wiping clean of your tracks
dissapointments are a thing of the past because everything goes fastfastfast
so it goes....
confused is what my mind is my mind is whats confused


I love this style of art


the only way i know how

bleep bleep blurp says the robot.. i am something i am everything..but you sir are nothing.
The robot knows more than it leads on. bleep bleep blurp is what it says most of the day but on the rare occasion does it say something like it said to this man. Come to me and together well see everything that youve wanted to be. Programmed like every other robot but discovered a way to go against the rules and said what it wanted to say. Dont be like them realize what needs to be done come with me and we will run. They want to beat mother nature at her fun and twisted game but we know the secret of this risky little dame. Curious and stupid is what the humans have turned into, but in my opinion i think there all delirious..dont you? This place was beautiful and innocent once long ago but what its turned into we all know..its all very very wrong.

its soo easy

your there im here
its wierd but comfortable
i have this feeling thats just.. happieness
its something that now that ive felt it im addicted to it
thats both good and bad
i like having someone there its nice
no pressure no racing thoughts just..tranquility
im suspicious when life gets..good when life is in order
but i guess thats whats wrong with humans were always paranoid when things go good
im paranoid when people actually like me..its a wierd thought that i might actually be good company..

The battle of evermore

"i dont believe you!, i cant, i wont.." he yelled to me as i was leaving the pier.
"you dont have to..thats the beauty of the truth you can either believe it or not."That was the only response i could give him on that last night of summer. I remember it so clearly. It was the day the..no.. my world crumbled. As i told him this tears followed, in that moment i knew i couldnt be there anymore. In that moment anywhere but there was where i needed to be. I was all alone, a feeling i was often used to before i met him a feeling that was engraved in my head to "get used to". I was doing it again leaving the one thing that filled the void i had my whole life. It was empty i was empty and realizing this a sad smile crossed my face. A place i once considered my sanctuary was now tainted with his voice.
"How can i ever come to the pier again without hearing those last words of his rush to my head?" I found myself saying this like i was trying to convince myself it was impossible to come back. One look back though and i was gone forever.


mad woman

broken hearts, outplayed games, loveless kisses, the strategy's the same. Being stupid is the predicted path of young minds. Our meaningless words aren't worth a dime. growing up thinking being young is the crime. I sit here wondering when my time is gunna come. But empty promises leaves me numb. I guess your not important till your old or dead a lesson i learned at school or read? When your imagination has gone rotten from the mold, which consists of the government spending countless hours contributing to the sickness that pollutes your mind. The rebels future is non existent, the man well make sure of that. No one wants a person that believes in change. Everyone wants to be unique but what they crave is to be the same and have some normal n the lives of the chaotic. Honesty is not the best policy it creates the illusion that everything is right and pure.

the wonderland in the atmosphere

catchmecatchmecatchme if u can..said the white rabbit running down the whole whole universe. The worlds crashing its crashing you can almost feel the sand. remember me when you leave the ocean and enter the city of oz. write me a letter every day of the week so that i may feel that you are still here beside me right by me holding my hand as we walk. But instead you'll be there and I'm here and this world is crashing crashing. Love is a word you throw at me often yet i don't believe it one single time. words mean nothing because your actions abuse me use me and leave me here in my room.
tiktok tik tok says father time it has gone by and your too late. promises cant be made because they are not kept tidy in the chaos which overcomes your life. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8 this is how much time Ive spent wasting it on you.
so the caterpillars smoking its hookah watching you from the path of Zion while I'm having tea with the hatter because I'm a mad person, he is a mad person and you..you are too mad to be mad.


Watch it and interpret it however you please ..to me its inspirational
This is my favorite poem by walt whitman

im lovin me some lust for life by girls:) one of my favorite bands at the moment
kinda the soundtrack of my life hahaha



party. drink.smoke.
the same old things. the same old joke
this same old dance has got me in a loveless trance
the same old song that seems so wrong
the same old lie these times just pass on by
the same old story permission granted.. you should worry
The same old story
The same old
The same


sugar town

Growing up, it’s a crazy, adventurous, curious, and scary thing. What comes with this far out experience are hormones, broken hearts, controlling parents and the best friends. Being a teenager is a full blown job if you ask me. Not only are our hormones raging but we have to deal with the constant tug a war between wanting the freedom of being an adult and the relaxed attitude of a child. We have not yet entered the adult world but we are long passed the nonchalant ways of our child hood. As we lose this part of ourselves we gain something complex in the process.
This “thing” that we acquire is both good and dangerous, it’s the feeling that anything is possible, and nothing bad will come from it. This gift allows us to fear pretty much nothing...and clouds our perception on the outcome of our consequences. Adults hate that we have such spirit because they fear it. How we handle and accept it all come in hand when we deal with our responsibilities. Of course with every beautiful thing come repercussions. Along with becoming a teenager we feel misunderstood, nothings fair, and we are confused with absolutely everything. We want our way constantly otherwise anxiety creeps over us like our world is utterly crumbling. This of course is irrational, but the crazy emotions are there none the less.
My life has barely started at just 16, I admit that my outlook on life can be off, with the feeling that this is as good as my life will ever be. We all grow up eventually, this fact is inevitable. But the fact is we were all once teenagers no matter how long ago, therefore have all gone through the same body changes, wild emotions, bitch fights, and the casual heart break. We have all also gone through that rebellious and spirited stage all teenagers are stereotyped to do, and adults are scared shitless of. In time, adults forget this, lose this, and only on rare occasions do they seem to discover it again.

And it just passes by us