sugar town

Growing up, it’s a crazy, adventurous, curious, and scary thing. What comes with this far out experience are hormones, broken hearts, controlling parents and the best friends. Being a teenager is a full blown job if you ask me. Not only are our hormones raging but we have to deal with the constant tug a war between wanting the freedom of being an adult and the relaxed attitude of a child. We have not yet entered the adult world but we are long passed the nonchalant ways of our child hood. As we lose this part of ourselves we gain something complex in the process.
This “thing” that we acquire is both good and dangerous, it’s the feeling that anything is possible, and nothing bad will come from it. This gift allows us to fear pretty much nothing...and clouds our perception on the outcome of our consequences. Adults hate that we have such spirit because they fear it. How we handle and accept it all come in hand when we deal with our responsibilities. Of course with every beautiful thing come repercussions. Along with becoming a teenager we feel misunderstood, nothings fair, and we are confused with absolutely everything. We want our way constantly otherwise anxiety creeps over us like our world is utterly crumbling. This of course is irrational, but the crazy emotions are there none the less.
My life has barely started at just 16, I admit that my outlook on life can be off, with the feeling that this is as good as my life will ever be. We all grow up eventually, this fact is inevitable. But the fact is we were all once teenagers no matter how long ago, therefore have all gone through the same body changes, wild emotions, bitch fights, and the casual heart break. We have all also gone through that rebellious and spirited stage all teenagers are stereotyped to do, and adults are scared shitless of. In time, adults forget this, lose this, and only on rare occasions do they seem to discover it again.

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